Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Lawyer Gates Portal


1. Accessing and Using the Platform: To use the website and its associated applications on devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android, or any mobile application, users need to acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in the policy. This includes accessing, connecting, using, or registering an account on the Platform.

2. Understanding the Terms: By agreeing to use the Platform, Service Providers confirm that they have read and comprehended the entire set of Terms and Conditions. This involves not only the terms within this specific agreement but also the terms stated in the Privacy Policy available at www.lawyergates.com. The Privacy Policy outlines how user data is collected, used, and protected, ensuring transparency in data handling.

3. Legal Agreement: Using the Platform creates a legally binding and enforceable contract between the Service Provider and LAWYER GATES PORTAL LLC, also referred to as "Lawyer Gates" or the "Company." The agreement is established with the acceptance of the Terms and applies to all Service Providers. The Service Provider must also ensure that any individuals who access the Platform through your account are fully aware of these Terms and adhere to them.

4. Acceptance and Compliance: When Service Providers access, use, browse, or register on the Platform, they become official Service Providers ("Service Provider" or "you") and thereby agree to abide by the provisions set forth in the Terms. This includes adhering to all applicable laws and regulations that govern their use of the Platform.

5. Disagreement with Terms: If a Service Provider does not agree to the specified Terms and Conditions, they are not allowed to use the Platform. This emphasizes the importance of carefully reviewing and understanding the agreement before engaging with the services provided.

6. Modifications to Terms: It is crucial for Service Providers to be aware that LAWYER GATES PORTAL LLC reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time without prior notice. Thus, it is essential for Service Providers to periodically check for updates to the Terms and review them accordingly.

7. Confirmation of Agreement: Each time a Service Provider uses the Platform, their usage will be governed by the displayed Terms at that specific time.


1. The Platform allows Users to request services with partnered service providers who are third-party entities/persons. These service providers have agreed to the Platform's Terms.

2. The primary purpose of the Platform is to provide Users with a convenient and user-friendly service. It accomplishes this by connecting Users with local Service Providers who offer a variety of services that Users may require.

3. To make the service request process smooth and effortless, the Platform offers interactive options. These features enable Users to easily build and submit their service requests with just one click, streamlining the entire experience.

4. When Users place a request with a Service Provider, Lawyer Gates takes on the role of a facilitator. They manage the service request processing, ensuring that Users have a seamless and hassle-free experience throughout the entire process.

5. The Platform serves as a marketplace where Users can find and access various Service Providers to fulfill their service needs.

6. Lawyer Gates does not function as a Service Provider. They do not directly provide the services offered by the partnered Service Providers.

7. The Platform's primary function is to assist Users in locating local Service Providers that match their specific requirements. It simplifies the request process and acts as an intermediary between Users and the Service Providers.

8. It is essential for Users to understand that Lawyer Gates does not independently verify the performance or quality of the services offered by the Service Providers. They cannot guarantee that Service Providers comply with all the relevant laws and regulations.

9. It is the responsibility of Users to assess the quality and reliability of the Service Providers. They can do this by reviewing the information available on the Platform or by directly contacting the Service Providers to request additional details.

10. Service Providers are obligated to comply with all applicable local laws, rules, regulations, and standards that pertain to the services they offer. This ensures that the services provided are in line with legal standards.


1. All content provided in or accessible through any Lawyer Gates Service, which includes elements like service name, text, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and data compilations, is owned by Lawyer Gates or its service providers. This content includes various forms of media and information available on the platform.

2. The ownership of this content is protected by both local and international laws related to copyright, authors' rights, and database rights. These laws grant legal protection to the copyright holders, preventing unauthorized use or reproduction of their work.

3. To preserve intellectual property rights and prevent misuse, Service Providers are strictly prohibited from extracting or reusing any portions of the content from any Lawyer Gates Service. This means that copying, reproducing, or distributing the content without proper authorization is not allowed.


Communication between the platform and Service Providers can be done by all means/forms of communication such as and not exclusive to Emails, Text Messages, In-app notifications, etc....


After downloading the Lawyer Gates App and creating an account, the following steps are involved in using the app:

1. Once your account has been approved by Lawyer Gates Admin, and a client sends you a service booking request, you will receive a notification indicating a pending booking.

2. Within this booking notification, you will find details about the client, the subject description with the attachments, as well as the client's authorization and NDA to enable you to review the documents in relation to their subject.

3. A quick response to these booking notifications is crucial, and you are expected to provide a response within 2 working days.

4. Upon accepting the booking, you will be guided to a dedicated page where you are required to upload the service contract that outlines the terms between you and the client, additionally, you will need to specify your service fees, and a payment schedule for these fees, if applicable.

5. Once this information is provided, you will initiate an alert, which will notify the client about the specified fees and payment details.

6. After the client receives the notifications, signs the service contract formally, submits the power of attorney and pays the required service fee payment, you will receive a notification confirming these actions.

7. This confirmation will change the booking status to "in progress," marking the beginning of your work on the client's case.

8. Throughout the course of your involvement with the case, you could request additional payments, such as those related to court fees and third-party services, these payment requests will be sent to the client through Lawyer Gates, and upon the client's successful payment, you can seamlessly proceed with your work using the Lawyer Gates’ communication and transaction features for further movement in the case.

9. As the case reaches its conclusion, it is essential to await a final notification from the client, signifying the completion of the booking, this notification will serve as the signal to formally close the case file and conclude your engagement.


1. Providing Accurate Information: The Service Provider's agreement to provide accurate information is crucial for the smooth functioning of the Platform. By ensuring that the information they provide is truthful and up-to-date, Service Providers can avoid any issues that may arise due to incorrect data. They also acknowledge that any losses resulting from misinformation or inadequate information are their sole responsibility. In case of providing false or misleading information, Lawyer Gates may take appropriate actions, including terminating the Service Provider's account or any appropriate legal action.

2. Content and File Responsibility: Service Providers hold full responsibility for the content they share while using the Platform's services. This includes personal ideas, opinions, statements, and any files they upload to the Platform. Lawyer Gates, as the service provider, does not take ownership of this content and is not liable for any material shared by Service Providers.

3. Consent and Record Responsibility: Service Providers are informed that they are responsible for all records or materials they obtain through the use of the Platform's services. This includes any files or information they download or access during their interactions on the Platform. Lawyer Gates is not accountable for any damages or loss of information caused by these records or materials on the Service Provider's computer or device.

4. Responsible Use of Platform: This section highlights the Service Provider's commitment to using the Platform responsibly and in compliance with the law. It encompasses various aspects, such as refraining from engaging in illegal activities, respecting the rights of others, and not interfering with the Platform's functionality or other users' experience. Service Providers are expected to use the Platform in a manner that does not compromise its security or disrupt its proper functioning. Adhering to responsible use ensures a safe and positive environment for all users on the Platform.

5. Prohibited Activities: Service Providers are not allowed to engage or post in unlawful or unauthorized activities, including distributing harmful, offensive, or objectionable material. Transmitting material that constitutes a criminal offense or results in civil liability is also explicitly forbidden. Lawyer Gates reserves the right to take appropriate legal action if necessary.


1. License Grant: Lawyer Gates provides you with a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access and use their services. This means you have permission to use the services, subject to terms and conditions.

2. Purpose of License: The license is specifically granted for personal and non-commercial purposes. It allows you to use the services for your legal needs.

3. Limitations on Commercial Use: The license does not grant you the right to use the services for commercial purposes. You are not allowed to resell or use the services to conduct business or make a profit.

4. Prohibited Actions: Certain actions are strictly prohibited under this license. You cannot collect product listings, descriptions, or prices from the services for any commercial use. Moreover, you are not allowed to create derivative works based on the services' content, download, or copy account information for the benefit of other merchants or employ data mining or similar tools to extract information from the services.


1. Content Guidelines: The platform allows Service Providers to contribute reviews, comments, and other content. However, there are specific guidelines that Service Providers must adhere to when posting content. These guidelines aim to maintain a respectful and positive environment for all users. Content should be legal, meaning it should not violate any laws or regulations. It should also be free from obscenity, abusive language, threatening statements, and defamatory remarks. Additionally, Service Providers must respect the privacy of others and not invade their personal space. Lastly, Service Providers are urged not to post content that may harm or adversely affect third parties.

2. Editing and Removal: The platform reserves the right to review and moderate user-generated content. If any content is found to violate the guidelines mentioned above, the platform may take appropriate actions, such as editing the content or removing it from public view. However, the platform is not obligated to take such actions without receiving valid notice or complaints.

3. Ownership and Accuracy: By posting content on the platform, Service Providers represent and warrant that they own the content or have the necessary rights to post it. Service Providers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the content they provide. Moreover, Service Providers must comply with the platform's policies and guidelines while posting content. The platform expects Service Providers to verify the information they share and not spread false or misleading content.

4. Monitoring and Liability: The platform reserves the right to monitor user-generated content to ensure compliance with the guidelines. This monitoring process may involve reviewing, editing, or removing content. However, it is essential to note that the platform does not assume liability for the content posted by Service Providers. Service Providers are individually responsible for the content they post, and the platform is not liable for any damages or consequences resulting from the Service Provider's content.

5. Responsibility for Breach: Service Providers must understand that if they violate the content guidelines or post prohibited content, they will be held responsible for any costs or damages incurred by the platform as a result of their actions. This could include legal fees, settlements, or other expenses that may arise due to the Service Provider's breach of the guidelines.


Lawyer Gates operates as a platform that allows third-party service providers to list and offer their services on both the Lawyer Gates App and the website lawyergates.com. It's important to note that while Lawyer Gates facilitates transactions on its platform, it does not act as the user looking for services or the service provider of the offered services.

Lawyer Gates merely provides a venue for service providers and users seeking those services to interact, negotiate, and complete transactions. The contract formed during this process is solely between the users seeking services and the respective service provider. Lawyer Gates is not a party to this contract and assumes no responsibility arising from or in connection with it, nor does it act as the agent for the service provider.

The service provider is entirely responsible for the services they provide and handling any claims or issues that may arise between them and the users receiving their services as part of the contract. Lawyer Gates is not involved in these matters and does not assume any responsibility for them.


1. Service Availability: Lawyer Gates will make every effort to ensure uninterrupted access to the platform and strive for error-free transmissions. However, due to the nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee complete and continuous availability. There might be occasional suspensions or restrictions on access for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new features. We will try to minimize the frequency and duration of such interruptions.

2. Limitation of Liability: Lawyer Gates will not be held responsible for losses that were not caused by any breach on our part. This includes business-related losses such as loss of profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill, or wasted expenditure. We are also not liable for any losses that were not foreseeable at the time you started using Lawyer Gates.


This Website and the Application is owned and maintained by Lawyer Gates Portal LLC.

Our contact details are:

Lawyer Gates Portal LLC

Al Quoz 1

KML Business Center

Office 214

Dubai, United Arab Emirates



1. Use of Lawyer Gates App and Website: The Lawyer Gates App and Website are intended for personal use to access and Lawyer Gates Services, while following the Conditions of Use, App and Website Terms, and any Service Terms.

2. Restrictions: You are not allowed to integrate, combine, transfer, sell, rent, lease, distribute, sublicense, or assign any part of the Lawyer Gates App and Website to your own programs or other services. Using the App and Website for illegal purposes is strictly prohibited.

3. Termination: Lawyer Gates reserves the right to discontinue any Lawyer Gates App and Website and terminate your access without prior notice if you fail to comply with the App and Website Terms, Conditions of Use, or other Service Terms.

4. Third-Party Services: When using the Lawyer Gates App and Website, you may also be using services provided by third parties, subject to separate policies, terms of use, and fees established by those third parties.

5. No Reverse Engineering: Copying, modifying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, tampering with, or creating derivative works from the Lawyer Gates App and Website is strictly prohibited, unless explicitly allowed by applicable law.

6. Updates: Lawyer Gates may offer automatic or manual updates to the App and Website at any time, without prior notice to you, to ensure they remain current and efficient.


The terms and conditions are subject to the laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dubai Courts. In the event of any dispute, claim, difference, or controversy arising from or related to these conditions, including any matters connected to your use of any Lawyer Gates Service, or the sale or distribution of products or services by Lawyer Gates or through the Lawyer Gates App or Website, or disputes concerning the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach, or termination, and/or any dispute relating to non-contractual obligations arising from or in connection with these conditions (hereinafter referred to as a "Dispute"), such Dispute shall be exclusively resolved by the Dubai Courts.


Lawyer Gates reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or delete your Account and your access to the Platform, including any delivery service provided to you for an Order, for various reasons, including, but not limited to, situations where Lawyer Gates deems your use of the Platform to be unacceptable or if you breach these Terms. If necessary, before taking any action, Lawyer Gates will provide you with the opportunity to express your perspective on the matter.


Once you offer a service to the user, this creates a binding offer that cannot be retracted between you ‘service provider’ and the user, unless mutually agreed. The service provider is solely responsible for providing the service if accepted and paid for by the user.

Prices shown on the Platform will be presented in AED (United Arab Emirates Dirhams) and are subject to applicable taxes.


1. Dispute Resolution: If any disputes arise concerning these Terms, the Service Provider agrees that specific types of records, such as bookkeeping entries and computer records, will be considered valid and binding evidence.

2. Waiver of Objections: The Service Provider willingly waives any objections to the specified records maintained by Lawyer Gates, accepting their validity and binding nature.


Should any portion of these Terms be considered unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, that specific provision shall be deemed separable from these Terms, and it shall not impact the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. Any waiver by us shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach of any provision.


These terms will be provided in both English and Arabic. In the event of any inconsistencies between the two versions, the Arabic version will take precedence.